Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Due Monday, March 11th - Freaky Freedom by Denice Yao Pomary - Pages 95-173

Directions:  Please finish reading the novel and comment in this blog space.  Did you enjoy the story?  Characters?  How was the pacing?  Do you have questions about the culture presented in the novel?  We look forward to your response.  Engage with each other.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Due Monday, March 4 - Read "Freaky Freedom" by Denice Yao Pomary, Pages 1-94

Directions:  Read "Freaky Freedom" by Denice Yao Pomary, Pages 1-94.  Next, compose a blog response attending to the following questions:  1) . Identify any sentences, paragraphs, and/or chapters that particularly speak to you.  Offer your opinions on the text.  2) Take note of similarities and differences between the plot line of the novel and your own experiences as a student in the United States.  3) Identify a favorite character and why you like (or dislike) the character.